Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010

I'm so excited and just can't hide it anymore =^.^=

Hey guys,
I think I'm not the only person which is soooo excited of Monday 7th June, 2010!
If some people ask theiself why -> here is the answer:
I'm so excited!
It's so cool that it is on 7th June because my lovely mother has on this day birthday! Two events that really need to be celebrated!
I wish a nice rest-week and a nice and relaxing evening/morning, how ever^^
Lots of love <3

Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010

Lady Gaga won 5 World Music Awards! Isn't it great! She's the most amazing and the most pleasant person I ever got to know! I love her and I'll forever do! She's sheer madness!
Congratulation Mother Monster! <3>
Picture's Source: ladygaga-source.com One of the best Gaga Fanpages in the whole world <3>

Samstag, 15. Mai 2010

Welcome to the Monsterball in Hamburg

Hey little Monsters,
how are you? This is especially for all the little Monsters that were last Monday the 10th May in Hamburg and visited the Monsterball!
Finally we all made it to the Monsterball and I really think each of
us had a lot of fun.
I would like to hear from you little Monsters what was your personal highlight from this evening and how do you found it! =^.^=
So let us discuss, talk and have fun.
I love you little Monsters and of course I love Mother Monster above all <3 yukiko ="^.^=">

The nightmare begins...

Hey guys,
I just finished the registration for my blogspot account! I hope you'll enjoy it.
I made it because I really want to discuss and share with you all the things that are going on in my life, in my mind and around me! Each day something is on my mind or happens around me, so let the nightmare begin.... =^.^=
Maybe some of you know me from myspace (myspace.com/nightmare_ink_billie) or twitter (Yukiko1991)so come on you guys and share my world with me!
Lots of love <3 yukiko ="^.^=">